Friday, February 17, 2012

The Vow

I love Rachel McAdams, so there was no question that I'd enjoy this movie. The hubby and I went over to see it and it did not disappoint. Both hubby and I loved it. The movie reminded me so much of my hubby and I without the me losing my memory part. Just the relationship itself. Now, many people were disappointed with the ending, but I found it fitting. I gotta say one part stood out to me. The part where she's confronting her mom. I loved how mom responded that she chose to stay for all the right things he'd done and forgive him for the one thing he did wrong. OMG I got a knot in my throat. I think that's how I feel about relationships. You have to weigh your options and your life. I'm not saying stay with a man who's gonna hurt you and lie. Not at all, but after so many years together and forming a family you at least have to try and forgive. Now if he continues with the crap then he can go to hell, but you tried. Now, I hope I am never in that situation, but shit happens and I'll be dammed if I'm not prepared to whoop ass! LOL.

I read the story that inspired the movie and although romantic, I do prefer the movie version. I'm such a hopeless romantic. LOL.

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