Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Dream Garden

I feel like my posts have been oh so depressing as of late. But really as depressing as they have been my Lord have they been helpful. And now, I feel like things can only get better after everything has happened. I love my husband, family, friends, and coworkers and those strangers I've come to know through online support groups. I'm sure they'll be days in which I dread the thought of anything, but in the meantime I can't help but feel some sort of hope.

I think of all the things I like to do. I think of all the things I want to do. And I see how today may be a good day to start, resume, or continue. I love walking, hiking, biking, I want to start a garden (albeit I don't have grass), take a nice trip somewhere, resume a zumba class, my weight loss, and reorganize my home.

I don't want my life to revolve around trying to get pregnant again. I want to try again, but I don't want that to be my life. With PCOS, I have to be realistic and know that anything can happen. I have to be hopeful that things will work out in my favor, but ANYTHING can happen. So yes, I am scared and nervous. I am scared of dreaming that dream again.

Container garden

But I'm not scared of creating a beautiful garden. I hate that I have no actual grass area in my house, but I think a "container garden" will be just as beautiful and mobil in the event I move anytime. It'll be a nice spot to relax and set my dreams free. It'll be alive and bloom with the seasons. It'll be just what I need. I've always wanted one too, so I'm hopeful I can do this in the next few months. Maybe this spring. It's something to look forward to.

Here are some pretty ones that have inspired me:

Container Gardening

Garden July 2008

Talavera pottery

Window box

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