Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

This week was definitely a good one. For one, aunt flo came! Secondly, I started my Zumba class.... which I absolutely LOVE, and thirdly, I went back to work. No gym time, but a lot of walking. I'm still doing the 2-3 miles a day, but this time I am increasing my pace.... the faster I move the more calories are burnt AND that usually revs up my metabolism. :) Any who, the results are in:

Previous Weight: 192 lbs
Current Weight: 189.4 lbs
Loss/Gain: -2.6 lbs

I am very happy. My hard work and healthier food choices have certainly benefited me. I can't wait for fall so I can get my heart pumping even more by doing more hikes. Yeah Boy!!! Hahaha. . . I can be such a dork sometimes :)

My new goal for the week: 187.4 lbs.

I am so excited and proud of myself. I love seeing the scale go down. I know at some point I'll plateu again, but that's cool. It happens. I'm just happy to see improvements in the meantime. Oh, I'll probably update this post later with my new measurements... it's that time again :).

So here are the results:


I began taking my measurements about two weeks ago to see how my body was changing. In just two weeks It appears that I lost 1.5" from my arms, my boobs got 1" bigger (Thank you Aunt Flo), I also lost .5" from my thighs, .75" from my calfs, and 1.25" from my abdomen. For a little less than two weeks that's pretty good :). I'll be measuring myself once a month from now on. By the way, the app I used for the measurements is BodyShot.


  1. wow that's amazing, keep it up, you're such an inspiration :)


  2. Thanks for your support Paulina :)
