Sunday, July 31, 2011

Taking Care of My PCOS the Natural Way

I've mentioned before that I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. It was a horrible experience because of all the side effects, but it also helped me see that I wasn't alone. However, my doctors were not that knowledgeable in the subject and the first thing they did was prescribe Metformin and Provera. I hated taking meds. I mean they helped bring back my period and luckily I didn't get a lot of the side effects other women have, but I never really felt that my periods were natural. Forgive me, but I felt like I was putting more chemicals inside my body than were necessary. After a few months I stopped. Sadly, I didn't really do anything else.

That was until this year when I completely changed my ways. I began exercising and promised myself that I wouldn't stop. I've been doing great. I've actually spent a lot of time researching PCOS and really getting to know my body. I can now tell when something is going to throw my system off and when I'm all good. You see, with PCOS you really have to pay attention to every little detail. Your body tells you what works and what doesn't. You have to learn to listen to it. Any who, I know that I need a multi-vitamin, so I researched a good natural whole food one. I came up with Rainbow Light Prenatal Petite. I chose that one because the pills are quite small and leave no after-taste. I picked the prenatal over the regular one because it's always been recommended to me by my doctors to take prenatals if trying to get pregnant. And since I am, it was the perfect choice. I got mine from Whole Foods.

While I was at Whole Foods I also got a bottle of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Fish Oil. I've been meaning to get it for a while. They say that fish oil is really good for women who suffer from PCOS as it helps improve fertility.

I'm going to begin taking them tomorrow 8/1 to see if I notice any changes. Hopefully it'll be all good :). I'll post an update later on. 

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