Sunday, July 31, 2011

Taking Care of My PCOS the Natural Way

I've mentioned before that I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. It was a horrible experience because of all the side effects, but it also helped me see that I wasn't alone. However, my doctors were not that knowledgeable in the subject and the first thing they did was prescribe Metformin and Provera. I hated taking meds. I mean they helped bring back my period and luckily I didn't get a lot of the side effects other women have, but I never really felt that my periods were natural. Forgive me, but I felt like I was putting more chemicals inside my body than were necessary. After a few months I stopped. Sadly, I didn't really do anything else.

That was until this year when I completely changed my ways. I began exercising and promised myself that I wouldn't stop. I've been doing great. I've actually spent a lot of time researching PCOS and really getting to know my body. I can now tell when something is going to throw my system off and when I'm all good. You see, with PCOS you really have to pay attention to every little detail. Your body tells you what works and what doesn't. You have to learn to listen to it. Any who, I know that I need a multi-vitamin, so I researched a good natural whole food one. I came up with Rainbow Light Prenatal Petite. I chose that one because the pills are quite small and leave no after-taste. I picked the prenatal over the regular one because it's always been recommended to me by my doctors to take prenatals if trying to get pregnant. And since I am, it was the perfect choice. I got mine from Whole Foods.

While I was at Whole Foods I also got a bottle of Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Fish Oil. I've been meaning to get it for a while. They say that fish oil is really good for women who suffer from PCOS as it helps improve fertility.

I'm going to begin taking them tomorrow 8/1 to see if I notice any changes. Hopefully it'll be all good :). I'll post an update later on. 

Weekly Weigh-In

This week was definitely a good one. For one, aunt flo came! Secondly, I started my Zumba class.... which I absolutely LOVE, and thirdly, I went back to work. No gym time, but a lot of walking. I'm still doing the 2-3 miles a day, but this time I am increasing my pace.... the faster I move the more calories are burnt AND that usually revs up my metabolism. :) Any who, the results are in:

Previous Weight: 192 lbs
Current Weight: 189.4 lbs
Loss/Gain: -2.6 lbs

I am very happy. My hard work and healthier food choices have certainly benefited me. I can't wait for fall so I can get my heart pumping even more by doing more hikes. Yeah Boy!!! Hahaha. . . I can be such a dork sometimes :)

My new goal for the week: 187.4 lbs.

I am so excited and proud of myself. I love seeing the scale go down. I know at some point I'll plateu again, but that's cool. It happens. I'm just happy to see improvements in the meantime. Oh, I'll probably update this post later with my new measurements... it's that time again :).

So here are the results:


I began taking my measurements about two weeks ago to see how my body was changing. In just two weeks It appears that I lost 1.5" from my arms, my boobs got 1" bigger (Thank you Aunt Flo), I also lost .5" from my thighs, .75" from my calfs, and 1.25" from my abdomen. For a little less than two weeks that's pretty good :). I'll be measuring myself once a month from now on. By the way, the app I used for the measurements is BodyShot.

30 Day Challenge-Day 13

A date you'd like to go on.

HmMmMMmMmm.... I would love to go on a date through Italy. Just the hubs and I. Seeing all the beauty Italy has to offer. Dining at a nice, but casual restaurant and dancing the night away. I see us staying up past midnight just gazing at the view...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 12

Things you want to say to an ex.

Hmmmm. I've been blessed. I don't recall having any horrible ex stories to tell. However, two of them do come to mind. And all I want to say is "THANK YOU!"

The first we'll call "Green Eyes." Why, well he had the most gorgeous green eyes! lol. He was my "primer amor." My High School love. We were together for years. Inseparable really. Because of him I never doubted myself through high school. He really took care of me and was there when I needed him. We broke up after HS jokingly. Really, it was stupid and for a while I regretted starting that joke, but I know see that things happen for a reason and well, we're both happy now. But really I don't think I ever got the chance to thank him for being a true gentleman and showing me what love was.

The second I'd like to say thank you to is "Bad Boy." We were together a few months. He was the complete opposite of "green eyes." He was more adventurous and really trouble just followed him. However, he was a good person on the inside. We would go hiking for hours and then go play at the arcades just because. I had so much fun with him. I felt alive and up for anything. Seriously, he asked me to marry him, but I couldn't do it. I loved how he made me feel, but I knew I wasn't ready. Sadly, I ended it with him, but he came into my life at a time of uncertainty in which I was barely getting over the ex and he managed to help me move on. I thank him for his wonderful sense of adventure and awesome spirit.

I know what your thinking... what no drama? hahahah No really, there was here and there, but at this point in my life the drama isn't worth mentioning. These two guys made me happy at the time we were together and for one reason or another we aren't together anymore. It's for the better. I'm happy now.

Friday, July 29, 2011

First Day Back to Work

Today was my first day back to work after a what seemed like a short month off. It was a real easy and smooth day with hardly any action. It was only the principal and myself, so it was quite a perfect day.

The only thing I heard today was that there seem to be more cuts coming our way. Apparently, they're planning on cutting 47 people in my position. Of course it goes by seniority, and although I have quite a few years under my belt I can easily be moved from my school since they may decide to remove my position from primary centers. That would suck sweaty balls because I love my little school. It is simply lovely. I would hate to go back to a bigger drama-filled campus. Now, this is all speculation, but it could happen. Letters are supposed to go out by the end of next week, so by Monday August 8 I will know what's going down. I'm crossing my fingers that once again I go untouched in what seems to be a corporate shake-down.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy what feels like "the calm before the storm." I say that because in about a month it's gonna be crazy once more with the kiddos and new parents. Yup, the beginning of the school year is always interesting :).

30 Day Challenge-Day 11

Your current relationship.

Well, I'm married. Have been for the past 8 years. We'll be 9 in December. We've had our ups and downs, but as time passes we've learned to understand each other better and have really learned how we work as a couple. We don't have any kids, but the subject has been luring around for a couple of years, but because of my PCOS had been postponed. But as of last week we have decided to officially try to get pregnant again. It's going to be a lot of work because of this darn PCOS, but we can't help but be super excited about it. We'll start working on it as soon as this period of mine ceases (which should be any minute now). So excited :) and nervous. . .

Wish us luck!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I signed up for Zumba a couple weeks ago and today was the the first class. Can I tell you how much I love it? Because I totally do! It was so much fun. The instructor was so energetic and just had such a good vibe about her. Within five minutes I was soaked in sweat! Hahahaha! So much fun! Can't wait for next week!!!

30 Day Challenge-Day 10

Your views on drugs and alcohol.

If you've read my bucket list, you've read that I'd like to get drunk one day. I mean, I drink socially here and there, but have never ever gotten drunk. Most beers taste like crap to me and margaritas are just full of unnecessary calories. So yeah, I don't see anything wrong with getting a little buzzed while having a good time. I just haven't been able to accomplish such a feeling. But... and here's the big But. I don't think drinking is for everyone. Some people are prone to alcoholism and that just isn't at all good. I've witnessed perfectly wonderful people lose themselves into alcohol and it just isn't something that I would like a loved one or anyone for that matter to go through. I also have no respect for people who choose to drink and drive. It just isn't worth it. Getting yourself hurt or hurting an innocent bystander is just horrible.

Now drugs.... well if you guessed it, I haven't done it either. In the past I had the opportunity to try weed, but really I have a lot of self control. I simply said "no". And my response was respected. I have friends that do smoke though and it's their choice and I don't hate them for that, but I'd love it if they didn't. I can't however tolerate the use of any other drug. I just don't get it. I don't get why I would introduce a harmful substance into my body. It baffles me to see such talented artists and people destroy their lives over a high. It really is so sad for me to watch. Thankfully, no one close to me is into that though.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's the little things

Today my sis was off from work and was here in the house, so I got to spend most of my day hanging out with Clarice and Angie. It was nice. Angie and I played LIFE while Clarice worked on her ladybug house. It was cute watching Angie come up with the rules since we couldn't remember how the game went. Isn't that something... forgetting how to play LIFE? I served us all cups of water and when they saw I added lemon to mine they kindly requested that they get some lemon too. So there we were playing for a good couple of hours. All the while sipping on lemon water and singing along to Adele. Yes. My girlies enjoy Adele. Angie even complimented me and said that the song "Set fire to the Rain" sounded better when I sing it. . . Oh, bless her little heart!

Later Clarice asked me to watch her use her bike without the training wheels outside. Of course I accepted the invitation. I watched her go back and fourth. All the while she had the hugest smile on her face. She was so proud of learning how to ride in one night without the training wheels. I couldn't help but feel very happy for her. After a while she got off and told me that she finally was my complete twin. That she could now go riding with me. I couldn't help but smile and give her a big 'ol hug and agree.

We headed back inside where Clarice and Angie asked to watch one of my movies. They both picked "Elf". Which I thought was odd because Christmas is still pretty far away, but they said it's always a good day to see "Elf." So I put it on.

Meanwhile I went on with my daily tasks. As the movie finishes Clarice tells my sister and I "I'm gonna start being good... Santa's watching and Christmas is coming!" It was so cute! All I thought at that moment was "You are good. You are perfectly good just the way you are." Because they are. Those two are truly my pride and joy.

30 Day Challenge-Day 9

Your last kiss

My last kiss ey? Well, I'm a happily married girl, so it was earlier today as my hubby said good morning to me. Nothing passionate like in the novelas, but still nice and soft and full of amore... lol. Gosh, I sound so corny sometimes :) lmao

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Guess Who Finally Came to Town?

LOL. I'm probably the only girl who gets super excited when this happens. Why you ask? Well, because it hardly ever comes and when it does I feel normal. I feel like the woman that I am. Even though I've got cramps, feel bloated, my boobs hurt, and I'm such an emotional roller coaster, I can't help but get excited to think that my body will finally get with it. I mean I'm 31 and I would LOVE to have a beautiful healthy baby soon..... how awesome would that be? But I gotta take it slow... one day at a time... and when God decides it'll happen. :) It will happen.

30 Day Challenge-Day 8

Something you're currently worrying about.

Since Aunt Flo decided to make a recurrence earlier this week I started thinking again about having a baby. I sincerely worry that I'll never have a baby of my own. It's funny because until recently it was outta sight, outta mind. And now that thought made it's way back into my mind. I don't think it ever left, but it sure did hide out for a bit. Not gonna stress on it though... if it happens it will.... but I'll do everything I physically can to help nature out :).... (crosses fingers, legs, and anything crossable... lol).

Monday, July 25, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 7

Your Opinion on Cheating on People:

I don't think cheating is ever justifiable. I know there's temptation out there and what seems better hardly ever is. Cheating is exciting because you're doing it in secret and in reality you're not dealing with the real person. You're dealing with the adventurous side of them. As much as it would hurt for Manuel to ask for a divorce, I would prefer he told me upfront that his feelings for me changed as opposed to cheat on me behind my back and live a lie with me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekly Weigh In

This week I didn't get to put in any gym time as we were out at the Disneyland Resort. However, I did a whole lot of walking.... I also was very careful as to the food choices I made while still dining out.

Previous Weight: 194.2
Current Weight: 192
Loss/Gain: -2.2lbs

I am very happy with the results. I knew last week was something out of the ordinary and I had to keep my mind focused on a healthy weight loss. I'm glad to know I met my goal and a couple of oz extra :) Yay Me!

My goal for next week: 190

By the way, I'll be using this app for screen shots of my weight management. I like it better since it is much cleaner and easy to understand.  It's called "TargetWeight."

30 Day Challenge-Day Six

The person you like and why you like them:

My hubby Manuel in ToonTown
This is my husband Manuel. He and I have been married for what seems like an eternity but is really 9 years in December.

I love and adore him, but I also like who he is. He is a hard working man who I truly believe has my best interest in mind. Manuel is old school. With that I mean he is in this relationship for life. He values our marriage and is always there for me and my family. But he is also hard-headed. He will never admit when he's wrong! That gets me sooooo mad at times, but then I remember that who he is as a person; as a human being outweighs "the little things." He has such a kind heart and believes in solidarity as a couple. I've learned to be a better person through him. For that and MANY more reasons I  love, adore, like, and most of all respect him and I thank God for placing him in my life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Day (or in this case three) In a Picture

Manuel and I have been having a blast here on the Disneyland Resort. Getting those annual passes was the best idea EVER! We've gone in and out of both Disney and CA Adventure... gotten really good deals on food and souvenirs too. It's just been real fun.

I've never mentioned on here, but I used to love roller coasters. So much so that I loved Magic Mountain so much. That was until one day one of the kids that was handling "X" in Magic Mountain forgot to check my belt and the thing wouldn't clip. I remember that it started to move and I was panicking that no one would notice. I couldn't get off the chair because it had already flipped down and I was literally just laying there. Finally someone saw me and quickly stopped the machine. I got off and NEVER rode another ride again. It just got me thinking that I could've died. All because some kid wasn't paying attention to his job. It truly was scary.

Any who, since then I never rode a "scary" roller coaster. That was until this trip. I truly felt adventurous and really wanted to give it a go. So, I got a fast pass to California Screaming and sooner than later there I was riding it. It was soooooooo liberating! I know it's not a thriller like many rides in Magic Mountain, but it was a lot of fun. After that I just gave in and rode all them fun rides... Yay me! It was a blast!!!!! We're already planning our next trip down with the nieces... they're gonna love it :)

30 Day Challenge-Day Five

5 Things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex:
  1. Fakeness: I can't stand people who are fake. I don't mean implants... I mean fake as in pretend to be someone who they're not. This is not a movie.... this is real life... keep it real! Like they say "You ain't gotta lie to kick it!" hahahah
  2. Chismosos/Gossipers: This is mostly women, but men do it more and more and really it aint cute! I mean a little gossip here and there is fine, but if you're the kind of person who lives off of it and feels the need to throw everybody under the bus then I don't need nor want you in my life. 
  3. Mosca Muertas/Victims: I get it. There are naive people in this world. I get it. But there are also those people who love to pretend that they wouldn't hurt a fly and as soon as you bring your guard down they are not afraid to stab you in the back. There's also those people who ALWAYS complain about how nothing good ever happens to them. I truly believe that you gotta get on that horse and teach it who's boss. Only then will you be in control of your life.
  4. Attention-Whores: Hahaha... I love that. Seriously, people who crave so much attention get on my last nerve. Trust me people if you're that interesting people will come to you no matter what... just chill and be yourself. :)
  5. Disrespecting People: I like to think that I treat all people with respect. I don't think I'm better than anyone else because really we're all different and each have something special about each other. But there are people out there who get off on treating others in a disrespecting manner. Personally, I don't think it's funny when you make fun of a homeless person or someone with a disability. It just makes me sad for you. So DON'T do it! :/

Friday, July 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day Four

What you wear to bed?

I don't use PJ's. I don't think I own any either. Maybe I should get me some. So in the meantime, I use the t's that don't fit me anymore. Nothing sexy... not at all. Boo for me :(

Thursday, July 21, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 3

What kind of person attracts you?

Hmmm. I am very picky as to whom I choose to get close to. Personally I enjoy people who have kind hearts, but do not play the "victim". You see, playing the victim or like they say in Español "la mosca muerta" really irks me! I love people who are go getters and smile in the face of nay-sayers. I like people who are sincere and fun to be around. People with a good sense of humor are always on my team. I like people who value their familias and friendships. Basically, well rounded individuals who know when to work hard and when to let loose.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

We're Going to Disneyland!!!!

We've been wanting to go to Disneyland for the longest, but the thought of not being able to get on everything because of crowds always ended up causing us to scratch that idea off the board. So when I heard that there was a 3 day special available to So Cal residents I got excited. I talked with the hubs and we both decided to give it a go. I began researching everything because I know it was gonna be packed. I know we weren't the only ones getting this deal.... lol. Planning had to be done. At first I was gonna get that 3 day So Cal special, but after giving it much thought and crunching numbers it was really a better deal to go with the Annual Passes. That was another hour or two of calculations.... Since I'm off in the summer I needed something that would allow me to go in the summer and weekends.... So we ended up getting the Premier Pass. In the 3 days we were there we got free parking, entrance to both parks with park hopping privileges, and 20% discounts throughout. I LOVED the feeling of knowing that I didn't have to rush around trying to do everything at once because hello! I can come back ANY time! The pass holds NO BLACKOUT days! And that my dear is the best feeling ever. Now before you say "You spent HOW much?" Let me tell you it's worth it if you plan on visiting the park a few times a year. I think it's a great investment.... and if youre a little tight on money and live in Cali they still have that special in which you can make monthly payments!!!

30 Day Challenge-Day 2

DAY 2-How Have You Changed in the Last Two Years?
  • I've changed a whole lot from two years ago. I truly feel like I'm a completely different person.I no longer say yes to everyone's requests. For example, for a long time I stopped whatever I was doing or change my plans to accommodate my family or friends. I did it because I loved them or cared for them, but it became extremely exhausting.

  • I took charge of my health. I was letting PCOS beat me. I was letting PCOS define who I would be. Now I'm much healthier and happier. I began working out and eating much healthier. Before it would be nearly impossible for me to lose a single pound, but now I can honestly say I've been able to figure out the trick to living with PCOS and lose weight. It's hard, but I've been quite successful. God has granted me the strength and willpower to succeed.

  • I look different. I've lost 37 pounds and counting. Because of PCOS I lived for many years with dark blotches all over my skin. It was embarrassing! Now I only have a small patch on my chest that's slowly fading away. I am so happy to finally look normal. It really is the little things that make me happy :)

  • I'm happier. Not that I wasn't before, because God had always blessed me with a loving family, but I'm HAPPIER. I'm certainly more confident and self-assured than ever before. As I type this I can't help, but feel good about my accomplishments. 

I'm glad I made these changes. (Excuse me while I pat myself on the back!...LOL)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Day 1

Yesterday as I was bored to death going through my Twitter timeline I came up on a link for a 30 day Challenge. It looked like a good one, so I'm gonna take it on. should be fun :)

DAY 1-Weird things you do when you're alone
When I'm alone I'm at my most comfortable. I'll dance and sing while cleaning. Sometimes if I'm really into it I'll even interview myself. You know as if I was a famous celebrity... lol. I've done that since I was little. I really do get a kick out of it. And sometimes, on hot humid days I'll walk around naked just to prove to myself that I can do it. Weird. I know. LOL.

Fun Filled Weekend

What a wonderful weekend I had. Nothing too crazy happened... as it was "carmaggedon" weekend here in Los Angeles. That phrase just makes me laugh. It really turned out to be good for everyone because there was really no traffic here in LA, and as I thought everyone either went out of the city or stayed in.
The hubby and I went out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was nice. Most of these dates were to the movies though. We LOVE movies! Ha!
So on Thursday we saw "A Better Life." I had previously purchased the movie through groupon and I knew it would expire end of month. What a tear jerker! Specially the end. I recommend this to anyone, but if you're immigrant or have come from an immigrant family it'll hit home.
On Friday we were supposed to spend the entire day at the OC Fair, but it since it was opening day it was traffic galore. I truly think I was in a carmaggedon! Ha! It took us nearly two hours to drive 10 miles. Not funny. I wanted to run my car through everyone who cut in front of me at some point and go home after finding out all parking lots were at capacity, but the hubby had the excellent idea of just finding a nearby theater and watching "Harry Potter" and checking back later. Which ended up being exactly what we did.
My Harry Potter Sticker from hehehe
I loved the movie. Personally, I haven't ready any of the books so I have no idea if it stayed true to story, but it was pretty good. I did however find the last 5 minutes comical. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but watch and you'll see.

Taken @ the OC Fair.. I absolutely love this place :)

On Saturday we hung out at home most of the morning and decided to redeem our AMC movie tickets which we've had forever. We saw "Horrible Bosses." Oh my God! That movie was hillarious! I loved Jennifer Aniston in the movie... it was so not like her! I loved it so much I'd watch it again.
On Sunday my hubby told me he wanted to visit the museum with the statues of celebrities. So I bought tickets to go to Madam Tussauds in Hollywood. We went there early in the evening. It was crazy packed on Hollywood Blvd. I never realized how many tourists are out there! Later on we realize he meant the "Hollywood Wax Museum"... lol... but I think Madam Tussauds is probably a better museum any ways :) We really liked it... there were so many "celebrities." I just wish we had gone on a slower day. Seemed like everyone brought their rowdy kids, so there were little photo ops :( Still a good time though.
Michael Jackson and I, we're tight like that
Some more pix from the museum
So there you have it.... a busy, but lovely weekend :) Gotta love them :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekly Weigh-In

Hello you! Let me start off today letting you know how excited I am! I am extremely proud of myself. Goes to show how a bit of self-control and exercise can make a huge difference. Well, last week I was very upset because I had gained weight. It was my fault though because I ate everything under the sun. I had no self control. This week I've kept it cool and ate only when I was hungry AND exercised somewhat everyday! I did that tank top DVD 3x's, I went to the gym twice, and walked at least 2 miles every day. My biggest thing was also that I had NO soda. That alone helps a great deal. Well, the results are in!
On 7/10 I was 201.6 (not shown) and on 7/17 I weighed in at 194.2. That is a total weight loss of  7.4# this week! 

Now, that is the most I've ever, ever, ever lost in a week. The highest I had done was 4# I guess my body really wanted to get rid of those pounds or it was mostly water weight because I didn't do any sort of crazy diet or starve.... Well, I'll take it for what it is and hope for a solid 2-3# a week from here on out :) Now since going on this get fit challenge I've lost a total of 37.2 pounds! Woot! Woot!I can't wait to be in the 180's!

My new goal for the week: 192.2

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Bucket List

Recently I found this website called Bucket List . It's pretty much a place in which you write down everything you'd like to accomplish before well, kicking the bucket. LOL. While looking at some of the items on other people's bucket lists I realized I'm not alone. Some things I really want to do while others I've been blessed to have done. So with that said, I decided to make one. It was going to be 35 by 35, but that's like tomorrow and I don't know if that's too soon! Ha ha ha! So in no particular order here goes:

  1. Drive in Europe
  2. Visit Europe (Italy, Paris, France, Spain, etc)
  3. Have a baby. Raise a well rounded child.
  4. Run a half marathon
  5. Run a marathon
  6. Visit the rainforest
  7. Learn how to do eye make-up
  8. Attain my weight goal of 128-125lbs.
  9. Create an app
  10. Get a college degree
  11. Road trip across the US.
  12. Take a break from work
  13. Skydive
  14. Visit NYC
  15. Backpack through Thailand
  16. Sleep at the beach (Camp)
  17. Hike Yosemite
  18. Hike Zion National Park
  19. Have a church wedding
  20. Survive 2012
  21. Get drunk
  22. Shoot a gun
  23. See the Grand Canyon
  24. Camp at Big Sur
  25. Adopt a child
  26. Get a tattoo
  27. Plant a garden
  28. Rock climbing
  29. Do the splits (once again)
  30. Do something new every day for a year
  31. Take a cruise
  32. Get my last kiss from the love of my life
  33. Zipline
  34. Blog every day.
  35. Swim with the dolphins
  36. Live in another state
  37. Have a Mariachi sing me "Las Mañanitas" on my birthday.
  38. Learn Korean
  39. Discover my birth country... Guatemala
Now, there are so many more things I'd like to accomplish prior to my big day, but for now these will do. How about you? Are there any particular things you would like to accomplish? Do bucket lists motivate or depress you? Have you done any? 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Working Out

I'm sooooo sore y'all! It's like a bus hit me. I can't believe how I'm feeling! Seriously, I'm tripping! Any who, this would be day three of getting back on track. I've already lost 2.4 lbs! How exciting! And that's not starving or anything like that. In fact, I feel like I'm eating way too much! Ha! I started doing this DVD called Tank Top Arms, Bikini Belly, Boy Shorts Bottom. I think it belongs to my sis because I don't remember buying it. It's pretty good. You see one of my problem areas is my arms... they are huge! I'm not kidding. See back in HS I was a cheerleader and we used to do a lot of stunts... by stunts I mean pick each other up etc. My arms got pretty strong, but as soon as I graduated I never did any exercise to keep my arms toned so now the muscle just flops there. LOL So I'm hopeful that this DVD will show me some techniques on how to tone up my biceps. Confession: I'd love to wear tank tops and sleeveless tops without a cardigan covering my arms. If you knew me you'd know I own a gazillion cardigans! LOL. Any who, I've also gone out running. I did the gym the first day, but honestly I'm not the gym type. I lose focus way too easily. But I do love the feeling of fresh air in my face... luckily around my block there's this pretty large street where people run and jog... so that's where I'm at. Oh, and before I forget, I started using this cute app on the iPhone called "TargetWeight". All it does is keep track of your weight.... I kinda like it :)
Any who, it's time for that run.... yay!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Clarice!

Clarice is my niece. She came into this world at a time in which I was trying to get pregnant. No matter what the hubby and I did... it just wasn't happening. So when I found out my sis was pregnant I couldn't help but feel sad and a bit jealous. That didn't last though. I turned my energy around and began to spoil her rotten. I realized that Clarice was a gift not only to my sister, but to me as well. She has a very lively personality. I often call her "the teenager" because she acts so grown up. And today at 7:11p.m. she'll be turning 8. In my heart though, she'll forever be my baby.
Clarice and I

The Power of a Tweet

Last week I had to tow my car into a Chrysler dealership because I couldn't change gears. Apparently a spring/latch right under the gears had broken causing my car to remain in parked position. That was no fun whatsoever! However, I researched online and found that my car had a recall on it for that same exact reason. It said for me to take my car in and get it repaired free of charge for labor and parts. As upset as I was about what had happened, I was somewhat happy that at least it would end up being cost free to me. So I called AAA and after a good two hours of trying to pull the car out of my drive way we were on our way. We arrived at Chrysler and was told that it would be an all day job. I was also informed there were two more recalls on my car. The guy told me they'd fix all three at no cost. I agreed and on I went. Later on I get a call that my car is ready. I'm excited and decide to walk to the dealership... lucky me it's about 1.5 miles away :) I get there and they show me what was done and how now it works perfectly... I hopped in my car and take off. Now remember I walked there... so by now I'm hot... and all I want is some fresh air. So I turn the A/C on and nada. I thought I was doing something wrong, but nope. No air came out. I couldn't even hear the fan spinning. I pulled back into the dealership and asked the guy to look at it. I, of course knew it had to be something simple like they forgot to plug something, but nope. The guy dared to tell me they took no responsibility for the A/C seeing as how they didn't "touch" it. I really felt mistreated and robbed. I asked for a manager and he said he was gone and to "try" and call him tomorrow. I was very upset. I never expected that kind of response.

Any how, to make a long story short... I decided to tweet @chrysler about it.

Within no more than five minutes I got a reply from @chrysler.

Then @Chrysler sent me the following message:

Now, I know mine wasn't "top priority", but I do appreciate that @chrysler took the time to reply and try to make me feel appreciated. I emailed him my statement and got a call on Saturday to take my car in to get fixed. I took it in today and it took no more than 30 minutes for a mechanic to figure out what was wrong. Apparently, they had left a cable disconnected behind the A/C dash which caused the vents not to spin. Duh! I knew it was something simple! Of course there were no costs incurred. I'm a very happy lady once again!

Thank you @Chrysler, and thank you Twitter. I know for a fact it would've been an uphill battle for the dealership to agree to fix it out of cost. Yay!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Getting Back on Track.... While Listening to Adele

The not so exciting moment when you need to weigh yourself knowing you've ate everything that's wrong came to me today. I could've just ignored my body and not weighed in. I could've just said "mañana," which means tomorrow in spanish... but I didn't. I decided to take responsibility for my actions and suck it up. I removed every piece of clothing from my body. Even my pint size earings where too much for this. And slowly I got on it. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I opened them to realize I had gained weight. I was bummed. But what made this even worst for me was that I again was above 200lbs. 201.6lbs to be exact. I was upset with myself because there is no excuse. There is no excuse for what I chose to eat. So I decided to finally regain my composure and go back to what worked. it's as simple as that. Exercise and healthy dining. I know the things that hurt my metabolism (soda & sugar being the top two). I can have it once in a while or a little at a time, but I know that hasn't been the case. I know that i've over done it. And now I must take back control and get with it. So I had a nice healthy meal which consisted of chicken and broccoli soup... and a side of fresh fruit. I had some bubbly water with lemon to wash it down. Later on I pushed myself to the gym. I ran for an hour and hit the elliptical for a good 30 minutes. It was a good welcoming work out. I feel great :) I'm glad I have taken the initiative. It's hard y'all, but I need to do this for me. Wish me luck!

On other news, I'm addicted to the sounds of Adele. Everyone has heard the song "Rolling in the Deep". At least I think so. I fought hard not to fall into the trap... but yesterday while in search of new music for my ipod I downloaded her cd "21" and ohmyGOD! It is awesome! Her voice and style remind me of Ella Fitzgerald. She has such a soulful sound. I love her! "21" is an awesome album. It's been on replay the whole day. These are my faves from this CD thus far....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pacific Coast Highway 1 Central Coast Roadtrip

The following are a few of the pictures from today's daytrip back to Los Angeles. There is so much to do! Too bad we didn't have enough time. Seriously, this trip can be spread throughout a good week. So we promised ourselves that we'd be back. It is absolutely a must do for any self respecting Cali resident :)

A look of the ocean as we pass through Big Sur... It was around 9:30am
This little fella must have felt like a celebrity. He let everyone take his picture Too Cute!
Driving through Carmel... such a cute little city.
Manuel and I
Leo, Precious, and I... such a pretty view
Manuel and the pups
Us again. :)
You can't really tell, but there's a surfer in this pic. 
Too bad we were rushing to get home. I would've loved to chill down there :)
Point Lobos State Reserve... 
Entrance to the Point Lobos State Reserve. It looked so pretty. Too bad they didn't let dogs in :(
Us and Leo @ Point Lobos State Reserve. We snuck in for a peak.
Precious... she's so tomboyish
Made a quick stop here at Fernwood Grill. Nice little shop, grill, grocery store, and motel on the side of the road 
While at Fernwood Grill we got us some BBQ wings and some chicken tenders. The BBQ wings were yummmmmey!
This chair was huge! 
