Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sanitizing Everything

I feel like a cleaning freak... all OCD and 'ish! Hahaha... first Alejandro got pink eye at my sister's and then he got a cold at the dr's... Then I went back to work after he was feeling better, but only to get strep throat! Woah... it was horrible! So I rushed my butt over to the dr's for a penicillin shot and 48hrs later I finally got relief. I walked around the house with hospital masks and gloves to prevent passing on the germs to my little man or hubby. Luckily, it looks as if all is clear. But of course not until I completely santizied the house and my office. I looked like a freak! hahaha... still, gotta keep it up because we are not going through this again any time soon. Nope sir eh. lol

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