Saturday, October 30, 2010

Long overdue update

I wish I had all the time in the world to blog. . .

better yet, I wish I had energy to blog.

Yup. I do. So much has happened that I don't even know where to begin.

  1. I'm alive.
  2. But really this should be #1. . .my mom got really sick. She had kidney failure and is now on dialysis.
  3. I'm alive.
It's been pretty hard on me, so I can only imagine what my mom must be going through. Having to give up her flexibility and be strapped to a chair for four hours every other day must be a pain. She's doing well though. She's following the doctors orders and is really trying to eat healthier. She wants to be alive. She doesn't want this to beat her. I love her for that. Because seeing my mother fight so hard for herself makes me fight for her. If she can do it, I certainly can.

I'm not gonna lie though, it gets difficult trying to manage having a full time job with 40+ hours, babysit 2 nieces 5x's a week, maintain a healthy marriage, and become my mother's health care assistant. But I do it all because I love them all. My faith in God is keeping me strong and able. I thank God for that. I really do. I also thank him for giving my mom the strength to evolve and grow from this. . .and the strength to fight on.

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