Friday, January 24, 2014

My little sicky poo baby....

It's so hard to watch you cry and call out for me with such deep sorrow. I even wondered if it was worth it in the end. And it was and it wasn't. It was because you received God's eternal blessing and it wasn't because you were so over stimulated that I truly believe that allowed for these darn germs to get the best of you. And now I sit here late at night content that I'm finally seeing you rest a bit without waking up in a bad cough attack. . . and although it killed me to see your gorgeous eyes stuck together I smile seeing that happy little glow slowly return. Feel better real soon okay munchkin? Love you always. Mama.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Ever since I knew of your existence I knew what I had to do as soon as practically possible. I had to give you up. To give you to God who has entrusted you to us. I often tell your daddy how I truly believe children are loaned to us. I'm trusting that God will bless you a long, healthy, fulfilling, and simply marvelous life. I am praying that both daddy and I get to be there every step of the way.

On Saturday we fulfilled our promise to baptize you. It was such a nice ceremony. You lucked out as you had the whole church to you and one other lucky little toddler. You both looked so handsome. You glowed and remained calm the entire ceremony. There wasn't a single person who could take their eyes off of you.... I included.

In the evening we enjoyed a nice celebration in your honor. Your grandma truly had a blast. You being only six months old snuggled in mine or daddy's arms through the night. You were peaceful and content.

For the record, I want you to know why we chose your Godparents. Martha is your uncle Luis' girlfriend. She's hard working, responsible, and a good person. Salvador is a family friend that has been around for the last 10 years or so and has always looked out for all of us. They both were like family before your baptism and now we have made it official. You're a very lucky lil man indeed.

Papas, I want you to know how much we all love you and how much we prayed for you before we even knew you. You are such a blessing to this world and I know that you are meant to do great things in this world. I pray that God continually guides me to be a better person, and in turn a better mother. Please always trust in God and believe you have a purpose. . .even when all seems lost... you, my dear, are meant to be... great.

God bless you always. Hugs and kisses.
