Monday, June 24, 2013


At exactly 6:09 a.m. on June 21st my son Alejandro was born. To my surprise, he looked nothing like I imagined! He was, if at all possible even more gorgeous. Alejandro weighed 6 pounds 13.3 ounces and measured 19 inches. Perfect in every way.

His skin, nothing like mine because he has a very milky white complexion. He has to have gotten that from his dad. But I can definitely claim those perfect little lips and eyebrows (lack of). Everything else, he's all daddy.

He's healthy and has got some lungs on him. Boy, are they a good pair! LOL

So, after 11 years of infertility and a year after my miscarriage, I now hold this little rainbow baby in my arms. I couldn't be happier!

Saturday, June 22, 2013


It all started around 3a.m. June 19th.

I woke up to contractions every 10 minutes that lasted for about a minute apart. Funny because all I could think was that he waited till after his daddy's birthday to start his big appearance. LOL.

Any who, I was excited and scared all at once. I knew this was it and that by the weekend our little Alejandro would  be here. I sat in bed and emailed my sister and brother so that they'd be prepared and then rolled over and bared it out.

Before I knew it, it was morning. I went to the restroom and got what people call "bloody show." Basically, my mucus plug had come loose and again, was another sign of labor. I remembered this perfectly from last year. Only that last year I knew that there would be no baby in the end.

The whole day came and went and I got contractions throughout but nothing to drive to the hospital for.  Besides, on Thursday, the 20th I had a Dr's appointment, so I wasn't too worried.

The day came and went and before I knew it I was at the doctor's. He checked me and verified what I thought. He said "oh yeah... you're in labor... I wouldn't be surprised if you had your baby between now and Saturday."

The news wasn't a shocker because  I KNEW that was IT! Ha! At that moment he said I was somewhere between 3 1/2 and 4 cm dilated. This is when he swept my membranes in order to "speed" up the process, gave me kudos, and sent me home to wait it out.

Hubby and I left and stopped by my sis's house to give her the news. She was excited as were my nieces. While with her the contractions became stronger, but again... nothing to go in for.

Hubby and I went home and I went straight to bed. It had now been about 36 hours of no sleep and off and on contractions. Then at around 3:30p.m., Thursday, the 20th the contractions came every 5 minutes each around a minute long. I knew that was a sign to head in to the hospital.

My mom drove me and hubby to my sister's who's in route to hospital. I remember feeling every single bump on the road. It was painful! Then my sister drove me in to the hospital. As soon as I came in I was greeted by friendly nurses who took me in and tied me up to machines to check on both baby and I.

To my surprise... or maybe out of nervousness, my contractions literally STOPPED when I was being checked! I couldn't believe it! However, being that I was 4 days overdue the doctor on call decided to take me in.

They checked me into a beautiful room with an amazing view of the mountains. Now, this is nice, but when you're in labor, you're not really paying attention to the view! LOL.

Now normally feeling good is a good thing, but the on call doctor wanted to see me dilate. She checked me again and nothing had changed from earlier. I was 4cm dilated. Still long way to go. She recommended I take picotin to induce contractions and therefore help me dilate.  She recommended I take the epidural along with the picotin so that I would be able to handle the pain. Which I opted in to do.

So late that night around 9p.m. the anesthesiologist came in and started me on the epidural. I was so scared. I was shaking. I couldn't stop myself. I seriously had no control over my body. Luckily everything went good and before I knew it I didn't feel a thing waist down. Soon after, they started me on picotin.

Now, everyone recommended I sleep because I was going to need all the energy the following morning. I tried and tried and nothing. I couldn't do it. I was dead scared. Now all this time my hubby is there, but even he couldn't help me.

Now I have to mention that while I was literally a vegetable I was proded with a bunch of medical instruments to check on both baby and I. Under normal circumstances, this would have been a NO, NO!, but I was so out of it that I just let the doctors do their thing.

After several hours my body was much too heavy. I managed to move myself a bit to the other side... when the nurses came in and said that the baby didn't like that. They said his heart beat did not react positively when I laid on my left side. So again they positioned me on the right.

By then I wasn't necessarily in pain as more in severe discomfort. I didn't feel the contractions, but I felt the heaviness of every piece of me. No one ever mentioned that to me. Then I realized the epi was wearing off. I started to feel the contractions and the panic set in again. Then at 5:30 a.m. the doctor on call came in and checked me. I had not dilated past what I had the previous night. Then they went over the baby report and showed me how he reacted negatively to every contraction that I got. He was stressed out and that could possess some sort of negative impact if we continued trying for vaginal delivery.

I was heartbroken. I remember praying to God and telling him that I left everything in his hands. Now I could've pushed for a vaginal delivery, but so many things could go wrong and I wasn't willing to risk my  babies life for it. So before I knew it I would be giving birth via c-section.

I was wheeled in to the OR and soon the surgery began. I gotta say, I didn't feel pain. I felt kicked and punched over and over again in my gut. Sort of like a big bowl of jello. Only the jello was me :/

The surgery took no more than 45 minutes beginning to end. And although drugged up, I cried when I heard his scream.

At exactly 6:09 a.m. on June 21st my son Alejandro was born. To my surprise, he looked nothing like I imagined! He was, if at all possible even more gorgeous. Alejandro weighed 6 pounds 13.3 ounces and measured 19 inches. Perfect in every way.

His skin, nothing like mine because he has a very milky white complexion. He has to have gotten that from his dad. But I can definitely claim those perfect little lips and eyebrows (lack of). Everything else, he's all daddy.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

It's supposed to be your first father's day!


Today is supposed to be my due date. June 16th, 2013. However, chubster obviously has no intention of showing up today. I feel a tad bit crampy and tired, but I'm not in labor, so I think it's safe to say... "he's not coming today."

40 weeks!

Today is also Father's Day! So although not officially Officially Officially a daddy, hubby and I still celebrated by making ourselves some bomb carne asada dinner. We stayed home and just relaxed. I mean after our late night out yesterday, we needed the time out. Just he and I.

Father's Day Dinner

Although baby isn't here we're now hoping he comes on hubby's birthday... which is Tuesday, June 18th. I hope so. It would mean so much to my hubby. I can see it in his eyes whenever he says it. So (talking to baby bump) please come on Tuesday.... daddy and mommy really want to meet ya already!

In the meantime.
It's still father's day and I haven't been able to stop thinking of the two men that were always there for me from day one. My father and my grandfather. Lord knows I would not be whom I am today without those two. I so thank God for placing them in my life because unlike many, I know what a true father is because they never failed me. Amen to these wonderful men. Hubby included :)

My daddy-o and I.... waaaaaaay back!

My viejito Alejandro :) Miss him dearly!

Hubby and I

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Movie Out in the Open

So hubby and I can't really go anywhere at this point in my pregnancy. I mean, I'll be 40 weeks tomorrow! LOL so we decided to take it one day at a time and look for nice little things to do around the city. One of the things we found was Eat.See.Hear. Basically they bring movies out to open aired spaces along with food trucks, a DJ, and a band. Tickets are only $10 (pre-sale), so not a big dent in the pocket.

We decided to go check out "Fight Club" which was being held at the Los Angeles Historic Park. Since it was our very first time, we showed up early to get a good spot. We packed the car with blankets and took some fruit and home made salads to eat while there.

His and Hers Salads some fruit and water :)

It truly was such a good time. I guess nothing beats being out in the open and hanging out with someone you truly care about. Although there would be food trucks there, I wasn't really expecting to get anything, but after smelling some real good hotdogs, I said whatevers and went for it. To my surprise though... the wait was much too long. I guess I wasn't the only one craving hot dogs! LOL. So sadly I didn't get to eat one because the movie started and I didn't want to miss it.

I forgot to mention we ended up getting some Cuban sandwiches, but although good were overpriced.

Truth is, I had never seen "Fight Club." I don't know why!?! LOL... but I ended up really liking it and was shocked to find out that he imagined Brad Pitt's character all along! Cray Cray! LOL.

Here's baby Alejandro aka The Bump waiting for the movie to start :)

The night was chilly, but overall perfect. Just gotta invest in buying some low beach chairs to be more comfy, but other than that it's all good.

Fight Club under the starz with DTLA as the background

Any who, if you're interested in checking out one of their summer screenings check out


Friday, June 14, 2013

Sunny Days

Lately the weather here in Los Angeles has been a little muggy... definitely see the "june gloom." But yesterday, to our surprise, was a nice sunny day... so sunny and warm out that we were able to head out to the beach. Not necessarily to swim, but to walk the Santa Monica Pier. It was amazing. Perfect. and just plain one of my most favorite outings since I've been pregnant. The weather wasn't uncomfortable at all.

Hubby and I just strolled the pier, took lots of pictures, enjoyed the breeze, and people watched. I could tell even the baby loved it because he was nice and calm throughout the entire time. Definitely good times. :)

View of Santa Monica Beach from the Pier

The Pacific Ferris on the Pier aka Pacific Park

Not a good selfie, but had to include a 39 week shot
My hubby overlooking the ocean

The three of us
The chubster on the

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Soooo I'm a big techie girl. I don't think I've posted about that here, but I am. I specifically have to admit am an Apple fan. I just love how easy their products are to use and of course how beautiful they are to look at.

So of course when someone posted on their FB that they just updated their iphones to the latest ios software that isn't even available I almost died of jealousy. LOL... well, not really, but I did want to know how I can do it too. I'm guessing I wasn't alone in my feelings because many requested to know how she was able to do it. So she went ahead and posted this youtube video:

video goes here

Turns out it was super easy and quick to do. I did it in about an hours time while the file downloaded. Now I've had the update for about 3 days now and so far my favorite feature is the photos organization. I love how it groups photos into memories with dates and locations. This has been such a great blessing because now I can easily see how many weeks pregnant I was in pictures. Awesomeness!

I also like that you can block specific numbers from calling you. That totally rocks my world because I don't like having the do not call thing on all the time. I prefer just blocking those unnecessary numbers.

Now, because this is only a beta release it has bugs. For example my mail app doesn't show me how many new emails I have. It's annoying me. I also noticed that you can't shut down apps from running in the background. I don't think I like that. I might be wrong, but haven't been able to shut down apps once they get stuck. Like yesterday my navigator got stuck and I couldn't shut the app down and was annoyed at my navigator telling me to turn left a gazillion times. LOL... yes, I could've lowered the volume, but that's not the point! LOL

I'm still getting used to it, so I'm pretty sure I'll find other things I'm happy and not so happy with, but for now this is my take on ios7.

What do you think?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Apple Cider Vinegar

Dandruff. I get or should I say use to get a lot of it. Specially when I got pregnant... OMG my hormones dried up my face and scalp like crazy and just getting out of the shower I'd already have dry flakes. It was so embarrasing. Specially because it was right at my hairline. So I researched for natura ways to treat it. I was specifically scared because I didn't want any chemicals going on/in my body that could potentially hurt my baby. So somewhere in the interweb I read that apple cider vinegar can be used to treat dandruff and dry skin. So I went ahead and tried it and in fact it worked. I can't remember the exact recipe because somewhere along the way I just decided to tweak it. So what I do is put two capfulls of ACV into my shampoo bottle every month and shake. It has worked wonders. I no longer have that nasty dry hairline with flakes all over. Yay! Another plus that I've noticed is that it has given me such a nice shine as well. I shampoo my hair twice a week and while showering apply the shampoo twice. The first time helps remove all the grime and grease and the second brings out the shine. My hair doesn't fall out either. Which was a huuuuuuge problem for me... specifically because of PCOS, but right now it doesn't. Now.... I don't want to swear 100% that it's because of the ACV, because it very well could be the pregnancy, BUT I will say that I didn't do this for almost half my pregnancy and although pregnant my hair would fall out, be dry, and my dandruff was out of control. So who knows. But it's worth a try.

The only con to the ACV is it's smell. It doesn't smell good at all, but that's nothing a little body spray can't fix. lol

They also say ACV is good for a million other things like using as a toner on face, helping you lose weight, whitening teeth, lower cholesterol, etc. Isn't that awesome?!? 

Any who, who'se tried ACV and been successful with it? Any additional tips/recipes on how to use it?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Amigas de la NiƱez

I'm the kind of person that makes the most awesome friends. (Pats self on back) However, I'm the kind of person who very often looses touch with those friends because life happens. Here for example is my friend Tina. We were the best of friends from diapers through the beginning of high school. 

I say the beginning, because that's when she left me and her familia to move to Chicago with her baby daddy. Yes, she was a teen mom, but after speaking with her today, I realized that she did a pretty good job. Her kids sound amazing :)

So any who, after 18 years she came into town for her sister's graduation and asked to meet up with me. Of course I jumped at the chance. I mean we were inseparable! And what I loved about our meet up was that there were no awkward moments. It's as if time stood still and we just took off from where we left off. 

Unfortunately, our little reunion was short because she had to leave to her sister's graduation, but I'm so glad we got to reunite. I absolutely love catching up with old friends! Yay for lifelong buds! 

Monday, June 3, 2013


I woke up today feeling very emotional. I mean earlier today I was sobbing my heart away at how scared I am. Maybe it had to do with a nightmare that I had (which btw, did NOT involve my baby). But got me in the wrong kind of mood. I don't even know why, but I was just feeling down. And I've come to realize that indeed, I am scared and somewhat overwhelmed with knowing that this month without a doubt Alejandro will be here. Don't get me wrong, I want him here! It's just that it suddenly hit me that I will now be in charge of not only my happiness, but the happiness and well being of an innocent little human being that for nine months I've carried in my womb. How can something so exciting be so frightening as well? I mean seriously.... lol. Maybe I'm scared that it's all ending... my pregnancy I mean. Because let me tell you that although I've had some rough days, I've had many more awesome days. Days in which all I've wanted to do is sit/lay there and feel him move inside. I've felt accomplished and for the first time ever, as a woman with PCOS I've felt "normal." 

Does that even make sense to anyone? Maybe to someone who's battled infertility for ten years it does. Or someone who really thought this would never happen. I mean seriously, up until November 2011 I had given up all hope of ever conceiving. And after my miscarriage last year I was completely broken. And today I can't help but think about the baby I lost last year. I know things happen for a reason, but it still hurts to know that she isn't here. It's sad and very scary.

But don't worry, I'm sure it's just my hormones acting all crazy prior to my BIG day! I'm sure that when I see my little Alejandro for the first time and they place him on my chest I will be the happiest woman ever. It'll be amazing... and all these emotions will fade into oblivion because I will finally see the fruit of my womb. Ahhhh how exciting!

Any who, I wonder if others experience this roller coaster just prior to delivery? Or maybe it's just me :/ lol.