Sunday, December 30, 2012

Our 10th Anniversary

On Friday, Manuel and I celebrated our 10th Wedding Anniversary.  We invited my mom, sis, bro, and their better halfs to join us at Casa Sanchez for dinner and mariachi. It was such good times! The food was yummy, the music was awesome, and the company was the best. I am so happy to be married to such a wonderful man... the father of this wonderful little baby growing inside of me :) Before leaving I wanted to take the opportunity to tell my family about the baby, so I told my little niece to share a picture with everyone and she was more than happy to do so. She was ecstatic as was everyone else.

Like I said, good times :)

Friday, December 21, 2012


Hubby and I went in to start our prenatal care yesterday. To say that I was nervous and scared is putting it lightly. After what happened last time we both were extremely scared.

However, things are good thus far. Dr. Brisinger decided to check abdominally after I told him about how far along I thought I was. And within seconds we found this beautiful treasure:

The baby looked so cute and We even got to see him/her reach up and kick it's little legs in the air. I was mesmerized by it. Hubby asked about how far along and the doctor confirmed that the baby was measuring at exactly 14w5d. I was so happy because I knew it was somewhere between 13-14 weeks... so that means baby is growing perfectly. Yay us! Our next appointment is next month on the 23rd. Hopefully we'll be able to find out the sex too! :) Yayayayayay!