Sunday, April 11, 2010
Goint to the Movies. . .
Of course after going to the movies we had to run a gazillion errands (most of which pertained to my brother) but overall it was a good day. I needed that after this week. Specially since yesterday I worked 12 hours of overtime. LOL.
Any who, here's to a great week!
Monday, April 5, 2010
So let me tell you where this is going...
Tomorrow I go back to work. Ughhh. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job, but let's face it. . .I enjoy being off much more. Hehehe. Any who, I hope that I am able to keep up with this blog because sometimes it gets super hard and life just gets in the way. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's always good to have a place to vent and chill. I want this to be that place. We'll see. Any who, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and Spring Break. I know I did. I got to spend it with my lovely family. . .and while I'm on the subject of Easter it got me thinking that I need to go to church. Not that I want to live inside one every day, but there's just so much to learn. I haven't been to one since I was a tween. . .and back then I didn't want to go because my family was just forcing me to go. Seriously peeps, if you have kids don't force them. . specially if YOU are not going! Well, that's a completely another story. But yeah, I'd like to go. Maybe I should bring it up to my hubby. He's great, so I'm sure he'll support me. I kind of feel like I'm just rambling. AND I am! Ha! So hey, did you guys feel the quake earlier today. They say 7.2 by the border! Scary stuff!! I'm pretty used to quakes, but this one creeped me out because it kept going. It wasn't harsh at all down here in Los Angeles, but it lasted at least a minute. Felt like I was on a boat. In fact, I have to admit I actually had a panic attack! I just wanted to get fresh air. It was WEIRD! LOL.
Well, enough rambling. . .time to get to bed. . .another day awaits!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Went to Target or Targé as I like to call it not expecting to buy anything other than Tide, Q-Tips, and some TP, but I got lucky!!! I saw they had one of my fave shows on sale. ."How I Met Your Mother" all seasons on sale. I already have 1 & 2 so I got 3 & 4. . . I also got "Glee" season 1 because it is always being recommended to me. I'll check it out. In all I spent $25 bucks! That's less than one show! Woo hoo!!! I love great deals!!!