Sunday, January 15, 2012

Morning Sickness

Soooooo, you know how I've been raving about NOT having any vomiting issues? Well, today that changed. I woke up and tried to brush my teeth when all of a sudden I just felt some nastiness in my stomach.. that nastiness moved up and made itself out. Bleh... it was a horrible feeling! I'm hoping it was a once in a lifetime issue. I pray it was just a once in a lifetime incident! LOL...

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I'll start off by saying that this movie was nothing like I expected it to be. Nothing at all. I loved "The Hangover" and "The Hangover II" but this movie was not at all at that level.

It's funny, but kind of awkward. I'm really glad I didn't see this at the movies. I know a lot of people loved it and thought it was hilarious, but it didn't cut it for me. Sorry!

I loved the scene at the boutique where they're trying out the dresses and the one on the plane once she's drunk. I think they were hilarious. But then it was really flat.

Any who, I liked it, but I did not love it. Am I alone?

Friday, January 13, 2012


Hubby and I got some movie tickets this past Christmas. We decided to use them once we heard of a good movie that got our attention. Well, we heard of "Contraband" with Mark Whalbergh aka Marky Mark and we had to check it out. We are big action movie buffs.

Any who, the movie did not let down. I loved the storyline. I loved every action scene. I also loved seeing a latino actor in it (Diego Luna). Diego's role was of a crazy drug lord. I of course loved Mark Whalbergh in it. The man doesn't age and continues to be sexy as ever... lol.

The movie really didn't disappoint. Loved it! So if you're into action movies or into Marky Mark you have to check it out... you'll have a good 'ol time :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

2nd Prenatal Visit

Hubby and I had our second prenatal appointment today. I have to admit I was sooooo nervous. The past two weeks were an emotional rollercoaster because I didn't want to get my hopes up. But as it turns out, everything was just fine. The baby has grown sooooo much! The baby measured exactly 8w 3d so I'm keeping my previously given due date.

It's weird, because this appointment was completely different from my last. Seeing my baby there (so big) made me so happy.

I told the doctor I hadn't really experienced any morning sickness just the occasional nausea. He said that it's very rare, but normal. He said I was quite lucky in fact.

So here's my little bean who now looks more like a little gummy bear. So, so, so precious! My next appointment is not till late February, so he/she will be completely bigger by then. I can't wait!

After the appointment we headed over to Wingstop. I had never been. It was so yummy. Specially the fries. OMG delish! Ahaha... I'm turning into such a fatty! Oh, but before I forget I find it completely precious how happy my hubby is. He's being so supportive and loving. It just makes me realize even more how lucky I am. I totally married an awesome guy! BTW, he's gained 5lbs since we got pregnant! Ahaha... so precious! LOL.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back to Work

I can't believe I'm back at work. Those three weeks of winter recess flew. Boo!

I really didn't feel up to it, but have somehow been able get in there and get busy. On Monday I was so tired and sleepy. I swear, after lunch all I wanted to do was find a bed and sleep. Tuesday was much better and by Wednesday I was up for work. It hasn't been crazy busy so it's been manegable. Tomorrow I have my prenatal appointment, so I'll probably be out and then Friday should fly. I really hope the rest of my weeks (months) are as smooth as this one. Next week we have a holiday on Monday, so that'll be another short week. And we all love short work weeks :).

There's a lot that needs to be done from this point forward as we prepare to close the school year and set-up for the 2012-13 school year. Time has sure just flown by. I also need to train my assistant for my leave because we have no idea who my substitute will be. My boss is already panicking. I'm sure he'll be fine, but I'm his right and left hand, so I feel for him. Any who, we got a good six months to train her so I'm sure everything will work out just fine.

Oh, on Monday one of the teachers let us know she's preggo as well. She's about 4 months and looks so cute. She's a tiny thing! Everyone was so happy for her, as was I. It got me thinking of how badly I want to share the news... but I'm gonna wait it out until I'm past the 1st trimester.... which is closer than we think! Wow... time is FLYING!...

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy 2012!!!!

2011 was a great year in which I accomplished some great things. This year I begin the year with the knowledge that it can be done.... whatever it is. So here are a few of my resolutions for the year:

  1. Have a healthy pregnancy (as healthy as I personally can)
  2. Be a great first time mama
  3. Gain a healthy amount of weight during my pregnancy
  4. At the end of the year be at my current weight. I know that'll be very hard, but I can do it :)
  5. Walk everyday (at least a mile a day)
  6. Take more photographs
  7. Blog more (At least once a week)
  8. Cook more
  9. Think positive
  10. Be a loving mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, etc.
  11. Stay up to date at work (specifically with my imprest and student body.... I hate accounting!)
So there, this year is really up in the air for me. I know it'll be a wonderful year full of new life learning experiences. And as much as I'd like to take it over and do as I please, I know that really it's out of my hands. But I trust in God and his plan for me... for us. everything will work out in the end.

Again, Happy New Year everyone! May all your goals come true and may you have an awesome 2012!!!!!